S2 International has made its mark in the international market as a manufacturer and exporter of high quality Henna products like natural henna, henna powder, red henna, black henna, kali mehendi, henna hair care, henna mehendi, henna hair powder, henna hair dyes, hair colors, and body art, tattoos etc..

Private Label : We also offer our customers the facility of Private Labeling; wherein client can market our thoroughly tested and superior quality products, under their own Label. This Labeling is done as per buyer specification, budget, & choice of packaging. Packaging and labelling done as per sizes preferred in different countries and we also offer it in regional languages.

If you are willing to create your own brand of henna product, we also offer our customers the facility of Private Labeling; wherein client can market our thoroughly tested and superior quality products, under their own Label. This Labeling is done as per buyer specification, budget, & choice of packaging. Packaging and labelling done as per sizes preferred in different countries and we also offer it in regional languages.